Satanic weddings
Satanic weddings for committed Satanists.
Three Satanic weddings are booked at The Retreat in 2025
Marriges that include Satan, theres nothing like it
- Satanicly marry your friends
- Satanicly marry family members
- Many husbands in a satanic marriage
- During the ceramony Sexual activites will be included. EG you may fuck the groom
Father Grahams husbands
As an added extra Satan has allowed Father Graham to have as many Satanic husbands he wishes. You might be included
Conditions apply for this option
For a Satanic wedding, all persons must be fully committed Satanists
Before the ceramony. All parties (optional) will piss into a goblet and drink the contents during the ceramony as gift to togetherness to Satan
Satanic Wedding Cake.
During the mixing process, the piss from all perons of the marriage are to be placed into the cake mixture.
Cum (Sperm) from all persons of the wedding to added to the frosting of the cake. The cum (Sperm) from guests will be placed in the frosting of a second layer of the cake
Cake will be black and red frostng and have Satans red star
When the cake is baked its placed on the Satanic altar and dedicted to Satan
satanic wedding
Between two or more people
Preperation might take a few hours or a few days
Clothing might be leather harness, chaps, or completly naked
Cost might be $1000, probably less
Commitment cerimony
After ceramony a celebrtion orgy with all guests
Included as Part of the ceremony piss from those being Satanicly married will be into a goblet and drank by those being married
Satancily infused finger rings. cock ringd and pendants will be included in the ceramony
Celebration with guests in an orgy.
Next day a meal with espcially prepared wedding* cake.
Continued orgy with guests for day and nights trying new Satanic experiences
Marriage is open to worship Satan with friends.
Same partner till your ready for a change with no legal comitment
Legal wedding
Between two people
Preperation can take years
Expensive clothing and addons
Cost can be anything from $10,000 upwards to millions
Comitment cermony, photos,
Expensive wedding rings
Expensive wedding breakfast
Honeymoon vacation
Same partner. for life
Sex outside marriage is not an option